Devonshire Cottage. Design: Jane McGown Flynn. Available from Honey Bee Hive. Heidi’s rendering of the pattern focused on creating a happy mood.
Cloud Study. Design: Heidi Grevstad. This was inspired by a day at the beach in the Caribbean. Light breeze, wide open sky.
Cherry Blossoms. Design: Carolyn Stitch. Pattern available from Honey Bee Hive. Hooked with a dramatic dark background by Heidi grevstad.
Primitive Bluebird. Designed and hooked by Heidi Grevstad. A good beginners pattern.
Stormy May. Designed and hooked by Heidi Grevstad
Little Red Riding Hood, from Old French Fairy Tales by Charles Perroult, artist unknown
Pattern available from Honey Bee Hive.
McCall, Idaho Christmas. Designed and hooked by Heidi Grevstad.
Bloom. Designed and hooked by Heidi Grevstad
Les Touts Fleurs
Pattern design by Rittermere Hurst Field. 2018 Finalist in Rug Hooking Magazine Celebrations.
Quilt and Fiber Arts Museum, La Conner, WA, 2020
Heidi’s exhibit, Two Generations of Rug Hooking, was the museum’s first exhibit containing all hooked rugs. It featured 30 rugs made by Heidi and her mother, Barbara Sendt.
Jane McGown Flynn design hooked by Heidi Grevstad
Peaceful Bird
Designed and hooked by Heidi Grevstad
Quail on a Rail
Designed and hooked by Heidi Grevstad to evoke the quails and vineyards of Kelowna, British Columbia